Britney is currently accepting new clients for both in-person and virtual appointments. She works with adults (18+) for individual therapy.

Britney is a registered social work psychotherapist practicing in London, Ontario. She has worked for the past 12+ years in community and private settings, including military families, the criminal justice system, and with people living with the symptoms of chronic pain, anxiety, trauma, and stress. As an experienced bodyworker and yoga student/teacher, these perspectives help to inform her understanding of the interconnection between our physical and mental health, and her holistic and somatic approach to therapy.

Britney's primary intention is to co-create a therapeutic space, that is compassionate and hopeful, working collaboratively with clients to tailor the therapeutic process and incorporate modalities and techniques that will be most appropriate and impactful for each client.

Britney is offering no-cost 15-minute conversations to determine a good therapeutic fit.

To book with Britney:

